B O B B Y 4 K U N A

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About - Bobby 4 Kuna

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Bobby Rossadillo is a dedicated and accomplished professional with a rich background in management and leadership in the field of medical device sales. With a strong educational foundation, including a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Boise State University and a Bachelor Degree in Applied Management, Bobby has not only excelled in the corporate world but also has been an active and engaged member of the Kuna community.

As a local business owner and a parent with children attending school in Kuna, Bobby understands the challenges and opportunities that families face in our community. This personal connection has deepened his commitment to fostering economic growth and prosperity in Kuna. Serving as the President of the Kuna Chamber of Commerce, and co-leader of the Kuna Business Alliance, Bobby has worked tirelessly to support local businesses and promote collaboration within the community.

Bobby's passion for youth development is exemplified through his prior service as a KYSBA youth softball coach. He recognizes the importance of mentorship and nurturing the potential of the next generation.

In addition to his professional and community commitments, Bobby Rossadillo is actively involved in giving back to Kuna. His volunteer work at the Kuna Community Food Bank showcases his dedication to improving the lives of those in need.

With a proven track record of leadership, a deep commitment to the Kuna community, and a wealth of experience in professional management and business, Bobby Rossadillo is the ideal candidate to lead our community forward. His vision for a thriving, inclusive, and prosperous Kuna is one that all residents can rally behind. Vote for Bobby Rossadillo on November 7, 2023, a voice for the community, invested in our Kuna's future.

Come Out and Vote NOVEMER 7, 2023

Let's Make Changes Together

“Community-Driven Insight for a Stronger Community Future. ”